Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dan & Lisa's First Date

This Blog Post is Written By:  Lisa Soyka

Lisa and Dan December 23, 2009

I suppose I should start from the beginning so here goes...

I promised myself a long time ago that I would never settle on anything if my heart wasn't in it 100%.  I am the only one in charge of my happiness so why would I cheat myself and settle for something that I didn't believe in.  After years of dating men younger, dating men older, dating men that are divorced, dating men that have children, it seemed what I believed in was starting to backfire.  I'm not getting any younger here, was I going to have to settle with a man that wasn't my soul mate?  So I took action and did what any sucessful, strong women would have done to find a man... I joined 
This was something very weird for me, in the beginning I thought of myself as desperate and alone but after 2 weeks on the site, I got this short and to-the-point email from a guy.  If your not familiar with, it is a dating website that sends you matches as a percentage everyday depending on your likes, your life style, ect.  

The email read " We are 92% compatible and that is something we shouldn't ignore.  - Dan"I'm not sure what it was about that cheezy, one liner but I emailed him back and we decided to meet.  This was my very first blind date and I was so nervous! 

We met at Meehan's Irish pub in Atlanta September 22, 2009. 

He was already there, sitting at the bar.  I sent him a text to let him know I just got here.   He responded by saying he was the cute guy sitting at the bar in a white shirt.  Hmmmm, this guy is pretty confident I thought to myself.  When I approached him, he turned around and stood up, introduced himself, gave me a hug and asked what I wanted to drink.  

Oh my God, this guy is HOT! He wore a white polo collar shirt tucked into a pair of nice jeans and a pair of boat shoes.  His smile was childish and playful but sexy at the same time.  He definitely works out, it was very obviously by the way his shirt fit him.  He is the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on.  I ordered a Gin and Tonic, he was drinking Maker's.  We immediately started talking about anything and everything.  I couldn't believe how easy this guy was to talk to.  Dan was hilarious, his sense of humor and whit captivated me.

We left the bar area to go sit outside.  It was at one point that we were talking and drinking when all of a sudden, as I was in mid-sentence, he leaned over and kissed me.  

This is not our first date {9 mos later 6/1/10}...but you get the point :)  LOVE!
A few more drinks, kisses and a cockroach scare that ended with me screaming in front of everyone standing on top of a table   {{{Classic First Date right?}}}

I was in my car going home from the most amazing night I could have ever imagined.
 I just met my soul mate...


  1. Yes. Write a book. I mean there are lots of books out there but not so many good ones. Yet.

  2. For real. This is a story that needs to be told. You are the story - I'm doing my best to tell it but wow ... I'm watching it. You're living it. It is a story that really needs to be told.

  3. OMG Lisa I LOVE IT! lolol! It almost ended too quickly! I agree with the above comments about the book. This is like the first page of the first chapter... and great comedic timing lol!

  4. So glad you are doing this! I love reading your story :-) Keep 'em coming!
